UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 14th October 2014 

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital 6pm


Mairi Murray, Chairperson                                                                                         

Janet Tierney. Secretary

Janet Marshall, Communication Officer

Kath Mace, Steward

Moira Sykes, Steward

1.     Apologies

    Apologies have been received from Catriona MacAulay, Alistair Morrison, Alison MacVie

2.    Approval of Minutes.

    The minutes of September’s meeting were approved by Moira Sykes.

3.    Matters Arising

    3.1    Issue:        Health & Social Care Integration

        Discussion:    Works streams are to be set up and the chairperson has asked that staffside are included from the beginning.

4.    Treasurers Report

    4.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    The Treasurer submitted a report stating the balance on 30th September 2014 was:

                Current Account-£16,639.05            

                Industrial Action Fund-£378.69

                ALTO Card- A.Morrison-£500.

                ALTO Card-M.Murray-£500

                ALTO Card-J Tierney-£300

                Total- £18,317.74

Janet Marshall will be attending the Communications course on 31st October to 2nd November 2014. Janet will also be attending the Welfare Officer course the weekend of 7th November 2014.

The Secretary and Chairperson will be attending the Scottish Health Committee Meeting on 6th November 2014 and also the Daily Records Health Awards ceremony in the evening.                 

5.    Secretary’s Report


    5.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    Septembers’ membership figures are 4 Joiners and 5 Leavers. Stewards have reported people have asked for membership forms so the numbers may increase next month.

Willie Duffy is coming on 15th October to give the Pension Presentation between 3pm-4pm. There will be a drop in session with Willie, for members, from 10am to 12pm in the Education Unit.


6.    Welfare Report

    6.1    Issue:        Report

    Discussion:    Cards and Gift Cards have been sent to 2 members who are off sick. 

7.    Health & Safety

    7.1    Issue:        H&S Meeting

        Discussion:    A walk around is due to take place soon. The next Health & Safety meeting is due to take place at the beginning of December 2014. The Chairperson is to put the date out and as many stewards as possible should attend.

8.    Education


    8.1    Issue:        Report

    Discussion:     Moira Sykes is to do her steward refresher course and possibly the Health & Safety Course.

9.    AOCB

    9.1    Issue:        Holiday Pay

        Discussion:    Secretary and Chairperson to discuss with Willie Duffy a recent communication which came out and should be sent by mailshot to all members.

    9.2    Issue:        Mileage Allowance

        Discussion:    The letters that were sent out to staff asking them to payback overpayments of mileage allowance after the recent circular was issued, was discussed.

    9.3    Issue:        Facility Time

        Discussion:    The Facility Time Policy was approved at the last APF meeting.Staffside should read the policy and make sure forms are completed as appropriate.

Meeting closed 7.15pm

Date of Next Meeting 

Date:    Tuesday 11th November 2014.

Time:    6.00pm

Venue:    Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital.