UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Notes of Meeting

11th August 2015

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital, 6.00 pm

Janet Tierney        Secretary

Stephan Smit        Vice Chairperson 

Alistair Morrison    Treasurer                                

Alison McVie        Education Officer/VC                            

Chrisann Munro    Member

1.    Apologies

Apologies have been received from Catriona Macaulay, Mairi Murray, Janet Marshall, Richard Galloway, Kath Mace.

2,    Communication Officers Presentation –Postponed to next month as Officer not present.

3.    Approval of Minutes

August meeting is not quorate.

The minutes of the meeting from 21st July to be approved at next quorate meeting.

4.    Matters Arising

    4.1    Issue:        Pay As At Work

Discussion:    PAAW was discussed at the last APF. Information on each member of staff’s pay has been received and will be looked at by Finance. Update at next APF.


    4.2    Issue:        Joint letter to CO of JIB

Discussion:    Secretary to check with Local Government colleagues about joint letter which was to be sent to Mr Culley

5.    Treasurer's Report

    5.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    Alistair Morrison submitted a report stating that at 31st July 2015 the                 accounts were:

                Current Account        £17,303.17

                Industrial Action Fund    £378.69

                Chairperson Altocard        £408.51

                Secretary Altocard        £329.32

                Treasurer Altocard        £448.26

                Petty Cash             £3.55

                Total                £18,871.50


The Chairperson and Secretary are due to attend the Scottish Health Committee meeting on 20th August 2015.

The meeting decided not to support a Kurdistan appeal for financial help which has been received by the branch.


6.    Secretary's Report

    6.1    Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Joiners 0, Leavers 7. The freebies have been ordered and are in transit to the branch.


7.    Welfare Officer's Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:    No report. 


8.    Health & Safety

    8.1    Issue:        Health & Safety Meeting

Discussion:    The Health & Safety meeting is due to take place on 21st August 2015. As many stewards as possible please attend.

9,    Education Officer’s Report

    7.1    Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Secretary obtained training record from Inverness office. The Education Officer is waiting for information coming through regarding a ULR course due to be held in October 2015 for the Health Branch and Local Government Branch jointly. This course will follow on from previous courses which have been held locally. The Education Officer is to attend a ULR course in Edinburgh in October. The Student Nurse Induction will be held on 9th September, Jane Atkinson and Education Officer to attend.

10.    Health & Social Care Integration

10.1    Issue:        Letter

Discussion:    Secretary to check on joint letter.

11.    AOCB-A nomination has been received from Chrisann Munro to become a steward at the Health Board Offices. This will go to the next quorate meeting for approval.


Meeting closed 7:15pm

Date of Next Meeting

Date:        Tuesday 8th September 2015

Time        6:00pm

Venue:        Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital