UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

9th September 2014 

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital 6pm


Mairi Murray        Chair

Janet Tierney            Secretary

Alistair Morrison    Treasurer

Kath Mace        Steward

Janet Marshall        Steward

Alison McVie        Education Officer

Moira Sykes        Steward

1.     Apologies

    Apologies have been received from Catriona MacAulay

2.    Approval of Minutes.

    The minutes of August’s meeting were approved by Kath Mace.

3.    Matters Arising

    3.1    Issue:        Health & Social Care Integration

        Discussion:    It was announced at the recent Board meeting that NHS Western Isles and CNES have agreed on the Joint Integrated Board (Body Corporate) model for the Integration.

4.      Treasurers Report

4.1    Issue:  Report

       Discussion: The Treasurer reported the balance at the end of August was £15,465.19. There are still problems with the transfer from TSB to the Unity Trust Bank, money has been transferred to the wrong accounts. Hopefully this will be rectified soon. The new mileage rate circular was discussed. Staff are very dissatisfied with the new lower rates and also because they have to payback any overpayments incurred from when the circular was implemented in July. Staffside will discuss and negotiate the payback to be over a period of time for staff affected.

The Chairperson is to attend a meeting in Glasgow next week regarding Holiday Pay.

5.  Secretary’s Report

5.1. Issue:  Report

Discussion:  Augusts’ membership figures are 0 Joiners and 2 Leavers. We received a thank you letter after our donation of £100 to There for You, UNISON Welfare Charity.


6.  Welfare Report

6.1 Issue:  Reports

Discussion:  Janet Marshall to organise 2 gift cards to be sent out to 2 members on sick leave. 

7.  Health & Safety

7.1. Issue:  H&S Meeting

Discussion:  The chairperson reported more staffside reps are required for the Health & Safety meetings. If staffside cannot attend then members of unions can attend in their place.

8.  Education

8.1 Issue: Report

Discussion:  The Education Officer reported that the CMI first line management course had been successful. There is going to be a follow up course, Improving Team Performance, applicants can still apply. The course will start at the end of October and is a Cross Union Course. The Cross Union Forum is very active and meetings will be held locally.

9.  AOCB

9.1 Issue: APF & HRF

Discussion:  Janet T to sit on APF to replace Alistair Morrison after his recent retirement.  Alison McVie will replace Janet Tierney at HRF.

9.2. Issue:  Staff Survey Working Group

Discussion:  Moira Sykes will attend the next Staff Survey Working Group as a rep from the Domestics area.

9.3. Issue:  Scottish Council Meeting & Scottish Health Committee

Discussion:  The Treasurer is to continue to attend the Scottish Council Meeting.

The Secretary is to attend the Scottish Health Committee.

9.4. Issue: Job Evaluation Training

Discussion: Janet Marshall attended the Job Evaluation Training and will now sit on job evaluation panels. Janet Tierney attended one day of the course as a refresher.

Meeting closed 7.40pm

Date of Next Meeting 

Date:    14th October 2014.

Time:    6.00pm

Venue:    Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital.