UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

8th September 2015

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital, 6.00 pm

Janet Tierney        Secretary                Janet Marshall        Communications Officer

Stephan Smit        Vice Chairperson         Kath Mace        Welfare Officer

Alistair Morrison    Treasurer                Mairi Murray        Chairperson

Alison McVie        Education Officer/VC                


1.    Apologies

Apologies have been received from Catriona Macaulay and Chrisann Munro.

2.    Communication Officers Presentation Postponed for several months and agreed to take off the agenda.

3.    Approval of Minutes

July minutes were approved by Alistair Morrison. Notes from August meeting approved.

4.    Matters Arising


    4.1    Issue:        Joint letter to CO of JIB

Discussion:    The joint letter has not been sent. Mr Culley has requested a meeting with staffside from the Workforce Group.

    4.2    Issue:        New Steward Nomination

Discussion:    The committee approved the Nomination for Chrisann Munro who will be a steward in the Health Board Offices.

5.    Treasurer's Report

        Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    Alistair Morrison submitted a report stating that at 31st August 2015                 the accounts were:

                Current Account        £18,409.66

                Industrial Action Fund    £378.69

                Chairperson Altocard        £238.25

                Secretary Altocard        £54.81

                Treasurer Altocard        £253.35

                Petty Cash             £3.55

                Total                £19,338.31

The Treasurer reported there are 2 cheques which have not been cashed yet. The Secretary will inquire why the Foodbank Donation cheque has not been paid into bank yet.


6.    Secretary's Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Joiners 1, Leavers 1. The freebies have been received and are stored in the staffside room.

    Secretary gave a brief report from the Scottish Health Committee meeting which was attended in August. Band 1 to be eradicated from April 2016.A group will be set up to work on the JDs which need to be amended, up skilling of staff will be required. Mileage circular has not been agreed yet but it will not be backdated as it was last year. Pay as at Work still to be agreed in some areas. 


7.    Welfare Officer's Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Posters received will be sent out to various departments. Thank you  has been received from a member who received a gift while off sick.


8.    Health & Safety

        Issue:        Health & Safety Meeting

Discussion:    The Health & Safety meeting took place on 21st August 2015. 

9,    Education Officer’s Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:     A ULR course will be held on 27th & 28th October and 4th November 2015 October 2015 for the Health Branch and Local Government Branch jointly. The course covers counselling skills for people working with young people.11 people so far are interested. Alison will attend the 1st National ULR Conference in Edinburgh on 1st October 2015.

10.    Health & Social Care Integration

10.1    Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Mr Ron Culley attended the last JIB Workforce meeting. There have been discussions with the Local Government lawyer about how many staffside from each organisation can sit on the JIB. Staffside want 2 from each organisation.Neil Galbraith is the Chair for the JIB. Chairperson to meet Mr Culley later in the week.

11.    AOCB    :    The Education Officer advised the meeting that a report on the Childrens             

            Services was due out soon.

Meeting closed at 7.45pm

Date of Next Meeting

Date:        Tuesday 13th October 2015

Time            6:00pm

Venue:        Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital