UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

21st July 2015

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital, 6.00 pm

Mairi Murray        Chairperson            Janet Tierney        Secretary

Stephan Smit        Vice Chairperson        Janet Marshall        Communication Officer 

Moira Sykes        Steward                Alistair Morrison    Treasurer        

Richard Galloway    Steward                Kath Mace        Welfare Officer

Alison McVie        Education Officer/VC    Gillian Macdonald    Visitor    


1.    Apologies

Apologies have been received from Catriona Macaulay.

1.1     A welcome and introductions were extended to Gillian Macdonald who has been a steward with the Comhairle and Gillian is hoping to become a steward with the Health Branch when she takes up her new post in a few weeks.

2,    Communication Officers Presentation –Postponed to next month as no internet access available.

3.    Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2015 were approved.

4.    Matters Arising

    4.1    Issue:        Pay As At Work

Discussion:    We were hoping for an update in the June APF but it was cancelled. We expect an update at the July APF on 29th July 2015.


    4.2    Issue:        iMatter

Discussion:    The iMatter workshops were held last week and staffside attended.84% of people invited to complete the questionnaire responded ,there were 90 people in the cohort. The first reports will be out next week. 

    4.3    Issue:        Meeting with Rhoda Grant

        Discussion:    There has been no further update on the meeting with Rhoda Grant.

    4.4    Issue:        Uist & Barra Trip

Discussion:    The Chairperson and Secretary went to Uist and Barra  last week to visit members. The trip went well with various discussions held with members and staff in both Hospitals and a visit was also paid to Balivanich Clinic. 

5.    Treasurer's Report

    5.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    Alistair Morrison submitted a report stating that at 30th June 2015 the                 accounts were:

                Current Account        £16223.17

                Industrial Action Fund    £378.69

                Chairperson Altocard        £498.64

                Secretary Altocard        £498.69

                Treasurer Altocard        £448.26

                Petty Cash             £3.55

                Total                £18051.00


The Treasurer advised the meeting that the Honoraria had been taken off the monthly funding so our Total figure is reduced. The change of UNISON accounts to Nat West Bank has been delayed to September.

6.    Secretary's Report

    6.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    In June there was 1 Joiners and 0 Leavers.


    6.2    Issue:        WARMS    

Discussion:    The Inverness office has been in touch to say they received a request from the team who work on the UNISON contact desk at National Conference to say our branch would like to request access directly to the RMS system. The meeting agreed we are happy for the Inverness office to continue managing and maintaining the system for our branch. 

7.    Welfare Officer's Report

        Issue:        AGM

Discussion:    The Welfare Officer reported she had attended the Welfare AGM which was held during a lunch time at the National Conference in Glasgow.

7,    Education Officer’s Report

    7.1    Issue:        ERA Training

Discussion:    The Refresher training for Stewards was held on Wednesday 1st July 2015. Secretary to find out if Inverness has a training record for our branch.


8.    Health & Safety

    8.1    Issue:        Health & Safety Meeting

Discussion:    The Health & Safety was held on 29th June 2015 A walk around will take place soon. Staff welfare facilities are to be looked at, the Nurse Director will address this issue. The figures for falls in relation to staff 

are to be looked at. It has been noted there are a lot of cigarette ends at the front door and in fire exits. 

9.    Health & Social Care Integration

    9.1    Issue:        Meeting with UNISON

Discussion:    The Secretary and Chairperson met with Ken Matthews, Regional Organiser and Local Government stewards recently and discussed producing a joint Newsletter. The shadow board have had their 1st meeting and it has been announced Ron Culley has been appointed as the Chief Officer for the JIB. Staffside from both branches intend to have a meeting with Mr Culley. The branches discussed sending a joint letter to the CEO of the HBO and LG and Mr Culley as it is considered unfair to have 4 men from both organisations on the shadow board and no female representation. It is also proposed to request 2 staffside from each organisation sit on the board.

10.    AOCB

    10.1    Issue:        New Steward

Discussion:    A member from the HBO has said they would like to become a steward. Secretary to email a nomination form to the member.


10.2    Issue:        Work Life Balance Policies

Discussion:    The Work Life Balance PINS has been approved and published. They will go to HRF and APF for approval. 

    10.3    Issue:        Mandatory Training Policy

Discussion:    The Chairperson advised the Policy is in the process of being reviewed.


Meeting closed 7:30pm

Date of Next Meeting

Date:        Tuesday 11th August 2015

Time        6:00pm

Venue:        Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital