UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting13th October 2015

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital, 6.00 pm

Janet Tierney        Secretary            Janet Marshall        Communications Officer 

Chris Ann Munro    Steward            Kath Mace        Welfare Officer

Alistair Morrison    Treasurer            Mairi Murray        Chairperson    


1.    Apologies

Apologies have been received from Catriona Macaulay and. Stephan Smit.

2.    Approval of Minutes

September’s minutes were approved by Kath Mace and Janet Marshall.

3.    Matters Arising


    3.1    Issue:        N/A


4.    Treasurer's Report

        Issue:        Report

                        Discussion:    Alistair Morrison submitted a report stating that at 30th September 2015 the accounts were:

                Current Account        £17,980.63

                Industrial Action Fund    £378.69

                Chairperson Altocard        £183.19

                Secretary Altocard        £76.23

                Treasurer Altocard        £83.50

                Petty Cash             £38.55

                Total                £18,740.79


The Treasurer reported the cheque for the Foodbank has now been cashed. The Scottish Health Committee and Daily Record Health Awards will be held on 4th November and the Chairperson and Secretary will attend. Chrisann will attend the New Stewards Course in Glasgow in November and December and Kath will attend the Welfare Officers Seminar in November.


5.    Secretary's Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:    Joiners 18, Leavers 1.The Secretary reported that there will be an update at the APF next week on the Pay As At Work. The Work Life Balance PINS were consulted on and completed at HRF and will go to the APF in November for approval.


6.    Welfare Officer's Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:    The Welfare Officer will be attending the Welfare Seminar in Glasgow in November. A thank you has been received from a member who was sent a gift whilst off sick.        

7.    Health & Safety

        Issue:        Health & Safety Report

Discussion:    There have no further meetings since the last one in August. The Fire Safety group will start to meet again soon and a staffside rep will be required. The Employee Director will put an email out to staffside requesting a volunteer.

8,    Education Officer’s Report

        Issue:        Report

Discussion:     As Alison MacVie has retired and a new Unison Learning Rep is required.

9.    Health & Social Care Integration

    Issue:        Report

Discussion:    The Consultation Paper has been released and a Consultation meeting has been held in Uist. There were no NHS staffside invited. Staffside from the Council were present. The Consultation paper will go to the next APF meeting and was presented at the Workforce IJB meeting. Council staff who will be affected by the Integration have been sent letters by the employer. NHS employees have not been sent letters. There will be 2 staffside on the IJB and 2 deputies are required, one from NHS and one from the Council.

10.    Trade Union Bill

    Issue:        Information

            Discussion:    Information regarding the Trade Union Bill has been circulated to members and stewards.

11.    AOCB    :    At the Annual Review held recently topics discussed were Promoting                      Attendance, Financial Budgets, APF papers not being timely and also some   

                                    Papers are discussed at other meetings before they go to APF. Succession 

                                    Planning and Training also discussed.

            A Staffside Rep is required for HRF. Secretary to ask Catriona MacAulay in 

                                    Uist if she can attend the meetings on VC.

                                    The Christmas night out was discussed and it is proposed to hold it in 

                                    January 2016 in the Boatshed.

Meeting closed at 7.45pm

Date of Next Meeting

Date:        Tuesday 10th November 2015

Time        6:00pm

Venue:        Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital