UNISON Branch Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 13th January 2015 

Classroom, Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital 6pm


Mairi Murray, Chairperson

Janet Tierney, Secretary

Alistair Morrison, Treasurer

Janet Marshall, Communication Officer

Kath Mace, Steward

Moira Sykes, Steward


1.     Apologies

    Apologies have been received from Catriona Macaulay and Alison MacVie.

2.    Approval of Minutes.

    The minutes of November’s minutes were approved.

3.    Matters Arising

    3.1    Issue:        Health & Social Care Integration

    Discussion:    The Workforce group have been meeting regularly and meetings have been set up fortnightly for the next few months.     

4.    Treasurers Report

    4.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    The Treasurer submitted a report stating the balance on 31st December 2014 was:

                Current Account-£17,732.62

                Industrial Action Fund-£378.69

                ALTO Card- A.Morrison-£131.28

                ALTO Card-M.Murray-£220.73

                ALTO Card-J Tierney-£20.73

                Petty Cash-£69.77

                Total- £18,553.82

The Treasurer will be attending the Scottish Council Meeting in Glasgow on 7th February 2015.

The books have been closed as of 31st December 2014.

The meeting agreed to donate £50 to Andrea Kay’s trip to Cuba.

The meeting agreed to donate £50 to Sarah Collins for her ETU1 Young Trade Union Leaders Programme. 

The branch donated £593.08 worth of groceries to the Food Bank for Christmas. A thank you letter has been received.

The Treasurer advised new guidelines have been issued about claiming expenses. The guidelines have been sent to all stewards. 

The Christmas night out will be held on Friday 23rd January 2015, an email will be sent out to all stewards.


5.    Secretary’s Report

    5.1    Issue:        Report

        Discussion:    November’s membership figures are 4 Joiners and 1 Leaver. December’s membership figures are 1 Joiner and 3 Leavers. 

            The meeting agreed to support Gordon Mackay’s nomination for the Scottish Male Seat at the NEC.


6.    Welfare Report

    6.1    Issue:        Report

    Discussion:    Nothing to report.

7.    Health & Safety

    7.1    Issue:        H & S Committee Meeting 

        Discussion:    The Chairperson was pleased to see so many staffside at the last Health & Safety meeting. The Chair and the Health and Safety Officer will be doing another walkabout soon.

8.    Education

    8.1    Issue:        Report

    Discussion:     The CMI course will start on Tuesday 20th January 2015. Janet Marshall will be attending and will welcome the attendees on behalf of UNISON and provide some application forms for those who may wish to join UNISON. 

9.    HV Implementation Group-No Report

10.    AGM

    10.1    Issue:        AGM

        Discussion:    The date for the AGM is planned for 26th February 2015, the same date as the Local Governments AGM. Secretary to email Willie Duffy and Tam Waterson to see if they can attend as speakers.

11.    AOCB

    11.1    Issue:        Branch Assessment Plan

        Discussion:    Ken Matthews will be over on Wednesday 21st January 2015 to meet with the Chairperson and Secretary to do the Branch Assessment Plan.

    11.2    Issue:        Website

        Discussion:    The Communications Officer is working on the website and will give a demonstration to the branch at the March meeting. The cost for the website will be £10 per year. The website will be called UNISON W.I. Health.


    11.3    Issue:        Scottish Women’s Aid Conference.

        Discussion:    Moira expressed an interest in attending the Scottish Women’s Aid Conference. The Secretary will check the email and see if the branch would support attendance.

Meeting closed 8.20pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 10th February 2015.

Time:    6.00pm

Venue:    Education Unit, Western Isles Hospital.